NHS App no longer available on older devices
The NHS App is no longer accessible as a mobile app for anybody using older devices. If you cannot use the NHS App on a mobile device, you can log in through the NHS website.
The NHS App is no longer accessible as a mobile app for anybody using older devices. If you cannot use the NHS App on a mobile device, you can log in through the NHS website.
Cancer is deeply personal, and so are your stories. Whether you’re a person living with cancer, caregiver, or advocate, your experience matters. Behind every cancer diagnosis is a unique human story—stories of resilience, grief, hope, and healing. People-centred care means seeing the whole person and meeting their unique needs with compassion and empathy. #WorldCancerDay #UnitedByUnique
When you quit smoking, good things start to happen. You’ll begin to see almost immediate improvements to your health.
The first sign of a stroke might not seem serious. Like not being able to raise your arm, or struggling to smile, or slurring when you speak.
Are you a current or former smoker? Aged between 55 and 74? You may be eligible for an NHS Lung Health Check Did you know lung cancer often doesn’t show symptoms until the later stages? The NHS is offering Lung Health Checks to spot issues early, often before you notice any symptoms, allowing us to take
Some important information from the NHS to help you stay well this winter.
November is Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Month What is pancreatic cancer? The pancreas is an organ that sits under the liver and behind the stomach, making enzymes to aid digestion and various hormones. For example, the pancreas produces insulin and glucagon to regulate blood sugar. Cancer develops in this organ when pancreatic cells mutate and grow
You have probably noticed that something is wrong. Look at the difficulty you have in getting an appointment at your local surgery. When you do get through, it may not be an appointment with a GP at all. Have you lost your regular family doctor? You are not alone. General Practice is collapsing. Every practice
Our colleagues are holding a menopause event If this is useful please call the social prescribing team to secure your place
October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, an annual campaign which aims to raise awareness around screening, treatment, and prevention of breast cancer. Breast cancer is cancer that’s found in the breasts. It’s the most common type of cancer in women in the UK. Anyone can get breast cancer but there are particular communities where breast
This October, join the 2.5 million people who’ve been inspired by Stoptober. Even if it’s your first time or you’ve tried before, Stoptober gives you the perfect opportunity to quit smoking. Stay smoke-free for 28 days, and you’re 5 times more likely to quit for good. With the right support, quitting is easier than you
How Does Alcohol Affect Your Health? It is strongly advised that you do not exceed the guidelines of drinking no more than 14 units of alcohol per week. Drinking more than this can potentially cause any of the following; What Will Help me to Go Sober for October?
The flu vaccine helps protect against flu, which can be a serious or life-threatening illness. It’s offered on the NHS every year in autumn or early winter to people at higher risk of getting seriously ill from flu.
Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is a common cause of coughs and colds. It usually gets better by itself, but it can be serious for some babies and older adults. A vaccine is available for those at risk from 1 September.
Dear Patients, We have received numerous calls about the upcoming Autumn Seasonal Influenza vaccine programme. We understand that some pharmacies have already started advertising their services. Rest assured, Andover Health Centre will once again provide an excellent flu vaccine programme this year. We will follow the updated Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) guidelines
If you’re pregnant getting vaccinated gives your child the best protection against whooping cough. Getting vaccinated is quick and easy. Speak to your midwife or contact your GP practice.
This month is Skin Cancer Awareness Month and we are raising awareness of the risks ofskin cancer and ways you can help to reduce your risk.86% of cases of melanoma are preventable yet increasing numbers of people are beingdiagnosed with this type of skin cancer. There are now more than 16,000 new cases eachyear in
Monday 6th May is a bank holiday. As such there will not be any appointments available on this date. Please remember that you can call or visit NHS 111 online, see a pharmacist or if it is a medical emergency, call 999 when we are closed.
GP Partner/Salaried GP- 4 to 5 sessions per week We are replacing a retiring Partner in October 2024. We are a dynamic and forward-thinking team. We moved to a new purpose-built Health Centre in December 2022 in the grounds of Andover War Memorial Hospital. We are well situated in the growing town of Andover in
April is both Bowel Cancer and Testicular Cancer Awareness Month BOWEL CANCER Bowel Cancer the fourth most common cancer in the UK. Every 15 minutes someone is diagnosed with the disease, that’s nearly 43,000 people each year. What is Bowel cancer? Bowel cancer means cancer that starts in the large bowel (colon) and the back
Fasting throughout Ramadan can be a challenge but even more so if you have diabetes. For information and advice on fasting safely please follow the link: Diabetes and Ramadan | Fasting | Diabetes UK
Going to your local pharmacy offers an easy and convenient way to get clinical advice on minor health concerns, and now community pharmacies can offer treatment for seven common conditions without patients needing to see a GP.
Many of our incoming telephone calls each day relate to patients chasing up their prescription or asking if it is ready to collect from the Pharmacy. Once the prescription is signed by our team, we have no knowledge about how long it will take the chemist to dispense it for you, this is down to
March is Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month Facts/Figures:*Statistics Sources: Cancer Data (which includes information from the National Disease Registration Service)and Cancer Research UKAcross Wessex, approximately 350 women are diagnosed with Ovarian cancer each year (CancerData 2020)There are around 7,500 new ovarian cancer cases in the UK every year, that’s 21 every day (2016-2018 CRUK).Incidence rates for
Would you be interested in helping develop services at Andover Health Centre Medical Practice? Are you keen to offer ideas and help your GP to improve services? We are looking for patients to join our Patient Participation Group (PPG) to help us innovate, improve and better ways to support our patients. Please email [email protected] by
The NHS App is a simple and secure way to access a range of NHS services and information on your smartphone or tablet. Millions of people are already using the NHS App to manage their health the easy way from the comfort of their homes.
We are looking for a GP to cover a Partner’s maternity leave starting the end of May 2024 for 6 months. We are a friendly and enthusiastic team of 11 Partners and 1 Salaried GP with regular coffee meetings and a supportive environment. We are a training and research practice with 3 GP trainers and
Information about software issue that prevents documents from being visible to patients. We understand that some of our patients may have encountered difficulties viewing certain documents (e.g. letters from the hospital) due to a software problem. We sincerely apologise for any inconvenience this may have caused. We are pleased to inform you that this issue
There are little things we can all do to lift our mood or ease our anxiety – we need to find what works for us.
Did you know that, in addition to your GP, there are other health professionals in general practice who can help you get the right care?
The eligibility for a free NHS Shingles vaccine is changed from the 1st of September 2023
Measles is an infection that spreads very easily and can cause serious problems in some people. Having the MMR vaccine is the best way to prevent it.
If you have a low income, you may be able to get help with NHS costs through the NHS Low Income Scheme (LIS)
If you’ve been invited for cervical screening, we hope you’ll choose to have it.
Act F.A.S.T. Call 999 if you see any single one of the signs of a stroke.
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